Kung fu action game “Sifu” is released. Draws the story of a young kung fu user who vowed revenge. Equipped with a unique system that gets older every time it is defeated

This is a third-person perspective kung fu action game that focuses on fierce melee battles. Become a young kung fu user who has vowed revenge on those who have claimed the lives of his family, and will challenge the enemies who stand in the way. He will explore different places, but he is given only one day. Since time is consumed each time you lose to an enemy, it is important to prioritize survival while making good use of the surrounding environment.
The price of death is aging. Can you take revenge in one life? Announcement of release of Kung Fu action game “Sifu” PlayStation4,5 / PC (Epic Games Store) version pursuing “genuine”
Since last night, Sloclap has released the 3D action game “Sifu” on PlayStation4,5 / PC (Epic Games Store). In addition to the main game, the official art book “The Art of Sifu” and the official soundtrack composed by Howie Lee will be available for download on both platformsThe hero who vowed revenge on those who caused the tragedy one night gets into the enemy’s land with a pendant with mysterious power. Self vs other humans. There are no allies, and countless enemies stand in the way of your eyes. You need to master your own kung fu to overcome everything and achieve revenge.
The price of death is aging. Can you take revenge in one life? A kung fu action game that pursues “genuine””Sifu” is the latest title by indie studio Sloclap, who developed ” Absolver “. In a third-person action game focused on fierce melee, you control a young kung fu disciple on the path of revenge.”Sifu” is the story of a young kung fu user who vowed revenge on those who lost his family’s lives. Self vs other humans. There are no allies, and countless enemies stand in the way of your eyes. Master your own kung fu with the help of mysterious pendants to win and survive and protect your clan’s honor.
Road to revenge
From the gangster’s suburbs to the dim passages of high-rise office buildings, explore different parts of the city to defeat your enemies. The time given is one day. However, there are many enemies blocking that path. If you lose to the enemy, time will come at the cost.
There is a way to adapt
Proper positioning and skillful use of the surrounding environment are key to survival. Throw things, makeshift weapons, windows and shelves … use everything you can. No matter how one-sided the situation, everyone will mercilessly attack you.
There is no end to training
Kung fu is a physical and mental path created by training. Discover the true power of Pak-Mei Kung-Fu to learn from your mistakes, develop your own skills, and master the supreme skills of Pak-Mei Kung-Fu.